S.B. Divya

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India Release of MACHINEHOOD + NEW Short Stories

MACHINEHOOD is out today from Hachette India in ebook and print! I'm doubly excited because much of my family lives there, and a good chunk of the novel is from the perspective of Nithya Balachandran in Chennai.

My short story collection, Contingency Plans for the Apocalypse and Other Possible Situations is now available worldwide as an eBook, and should become available in print soon.

Locus magazine gave a lovely review of Whether Change: The Revolution Will be Weird, including some praise for my short story, "Float Day," which you can read here.

My short story, "Messages Lost in Transit, Devices Out of Sync," about a woman who's an engineer at ISRO and dealing with big changes brought on by the birth of her first child, is out in Seasons Between Us: Tales of Identities and Memories.

My story, "Textbooks in the Attic," about community, climate change, and how people can come together in the face of adversity, is out in Rebuilding Tomorrow.

Award News

For the third time since 2018, Escape Pod is a finalist for the Hugo Award for Best Semiprozine! (The odd sounding category is for a magazine which doesn't pay its staff a significant wage but is otherwise professional.)

In addition, Mur Lafferty and myself are finalists for the Hugo Award for Best Editor, Short Form! This is our first time on this ballot, and we are in amazing company.

There's still time to vote in this year's Hugo Awards! Anyone with a full ($225), virtual ($75), or supporting membership ($50) can vote. Register here: https://discon3.org/membership/membership-information/

If you'd like to nominate MACHINEHOOD, Escape Pod, or any of my 2021 short stories for next year's Hugo Awards, please register for the 2022 World Science Fiction Convention with a full ($190) or supporting membership ($50) by December 31st: https://chicon.org/home/membership-rates/